As campaign manager for the scholars/schmolars party I submit the Party Ticket:
WT Study Conductor: Blondie
Branch Overseer : Nark
President: Leolaia
You can send your cash [preferably pots of it] to:
ME !!!
i have to say it is richie rich!!
As campaign manager for the scholars/schmolars party I submit the Party Ticket:
WT Study Conductor: Blondie
Branch Overseer : Nark
President: Leolaia
You can send your cash [preferably pots of it] to:
ME !!!
i put my house on the market today at around 12:45pm... the sign went in our front yard around 1:20pm...2:10 the realtor phones and says that someone wants to see the house 1:30 tomorrow (saturday)....then he phones back at 3:45 (i'm out picking up lucifer from work) i phone him back around 4:00pm...he says the people want to see the house at 5:30pm (today)....9:30 we get an offer, and we sign the papers....i am sooooooo they have 20 days to get an inspector in and their finances in may 11th, if all goes well, my house is sold!
i just had to have been phoning everyone!
Good for you mate!!
I'd invite you to come over to my place, but I've only got this one bed, and Moggy sleeps on that side of it, [actually, with her bushy tail she takes up three quaters] and I sleep in this bit here.
So if you don't mind sleeping on the floor like.......
By the way how the devil do you get those thingees onto your post. I think the bald bloke with the glasses could look like me, only he's better looking and a better dancer !!
Can't be. The IQ of the GB I mean. Thats waaay too high for them.
Could be the combined IQ of the WHOLE sodding 6mil lot of ' em , though.
i notice that their are differences in the jw version of the bible.
i am told that the bible was transcribed directly from the greek text.. my questions are:.
1) who translated the text?.
According to Ray Franz, a former member of the WT Governing Body, his uncle, Fred Franz was the main architect of the NWT Bible, a man who described himself as "largely self-taught" Evidently Fred Franz studied an Arts degree course at the University of Kentucky for 2 years [1912-1914] before he quit. During that time he did 2 years of Latin, but had no formal training in any of the Bible languages, Koine Greek, Hebrew, or Chaldee.
For these languages he taught himself, apparently unaware of the old adage, "The person who teachs himself has a fool for an instructor"
From other sources, it appears that at least 6 other men played a peripheral role: Nathan Homer Knorr, Hayden Covington, Milton Henschel, George Gangas, Grant Suiter, and Albert Schroeder, all of whom are now deceased.
The WTS, however has never officially released the name of the Translation Committee
Sorry, mate, I'm a bit ' ard of ' earing. Did you say Michael? Michael who? Jackson?
Was a time when 'e was richer than god Joe Hoover so no doubt some did
well, i have been sorting through thousands of files i have collected over the last 10 years about jws and the wts.
it is going to take a while but eventually elsewhere will get them.
but every now and then i will post something that i had no idea i had.. like this little gem.. it was very common for the media to be in attendance at the dcs.
Gawd! I remember that DC in ' 68!! I was in my prime, aged 26, and the release of the "[Un]Truth", the first in the series of pocket loads of dynamite.
A bug eyed speaker from the platform told us to pay particular attention to the fact that the book had 22 chapters, and was designed to be completed with our "Bible" studies in 6 months!! The time was simply too short, and there were too many who needed to be brought into the "ark" so anyone who had not made up their mind within 6 months had to be dropped and we were to move onto the next one.
Stirring standing-on-tiptoe kind of stuff.
Then of course it was discovered that the "truth" book was'nt in fact true, we had to drop, not the studies, but the bloody book itself !!
Sic transit gloria
does any one know if a deceased member of the gb get the same lame funeral talk as a r&f?
just wondering.... mike
Hmmm, good question, and something I never really thought about.
But off hand, I would have to say, no, the talks would not be the same.
The talks given for the R&F would be centered around an anticipated recreation to be performed at some unspecified time in the future. Till then the person has dissolved into nothingness
Since 1878, [Oops, that's old truth, I mean] 1918 however, the "anointed" don't eperience such an indignity they have been experiencing an instantaneous resurrection. So the talks will need to be adjusted.
So, I would have to say, No they will not be the same
what is the jehovah witness point of view on the antichrist?.
is there only one antichrist?
or is he or it to come in the future?
Hi, Knight 40, welcome to the forum.
There is a sense in which you are right on both counts. The first mention of Antichrist is at 1Jo 2:18 and it is interesting to note that here, at this text, which provides the norm for the doctrine, we have TWO, not just one, contextual reference.
Jo tells is readers "You heard AN Antichrist is COMING" [The anarthrous noun may be a name, hence Antichrist without the "an"] but note
1 The singular, 2 The singular is in some way FUTURE 3 One of the things that we DONT know is where his readers had "heard" of the coming of this individual. Several commentators have speculated that they might have heard sermons preached on the subject by several evangelists, like the Apostle Paul, or even Apollos
But Jo also said: "So also NOW there are many antichrists"
These were already at work, evidently undermining the Christian heritage in the various churches.
From the above we can gather that John seems to anticipate an individual [who he did not identify] who is specifically a person who would assume the identity of a notorious opponent of Jesus Christ. Whatever this person would do in the unspecified future, was already being done in a more limited way by a collective group of opponents to the Faith.
It is interesting to see what the WTS has done with this teaching. In the "[human] Reasoning" book, pg 32 rather than taking BOTH usages of the word "Antichrist" equally literally, they have chosen to accept only the latter part as literal, ie that "Antichrist" is a collective group. The first usage is now applied symbolically: The individual "antichrist" is actually also a collective group, an "Antichrist Class" Evidently anyone, who like us, actively oppose the WTS
Makes ya proud to be part of a prophecy huh? You and us were included in the "coming" AC.
Maybe, John's readers had heard a sermon preached by Paul that went something like this: "In the 21st Cent there is gunna be these apostates who will oppose the GB on summat called the innernet yep, thems the coming AC"
i have a couple: new american bible, new jerusalem bible, new world translation and the world english bible.
i know i am going to cop it because i like the new world translation -- i have done a lot of research on it, and don't come to the same conclusion as nearly everyone else and think it's automatically bad just because it's done by the jw's.
doesn't mean i am pro-catholic because i like their bibles too...
If I have a "favourite" it would be the New American Standard Bible. However I agree that the World English Bible, [WEB] is probably better. Problem is that it is available only on the internet, and not in print form. If I had a print version of it I'd use that. Incidently it is a revision of the old 1901 ASV which the WTS used to use because it had "Jehovah" in it. This word has now gone into disuse because of the growing wealth of scholarship, [which never stops] and the newer versions, like the WEB, if they carry the name, prefer "Yahweh" which is far more accurate. I also like the Jerusalem Bible.
By the way, another Bible which is provided as a free service through is the New English Translation [NET for short, to indicate that it, too, is only available through the interNET]
I would have had a greater respect for the NWT if Freddy Franz was a genuine scholar. He described himself as being "largely self-taught" Yeah right. No wonder he could'nt tell a Hebrew 'Aleph from a leg of pork.
backing away from 1914?
i think not.. may 1, 2006 wt third study article on page 27, paragraph 2 and 3 state:.
"2. almost 30 years after that pentecost in 33 c.e., the apostle paul confirmed that christ had not yet taken full kingdom power, but he was "at the right hand of god, from then on awaiting until his enemies should be placed as a stool for his feet.
Re the graphs, Leolaia:
There is obviously a decline in the importance of 607 BC I mean they are still prattling on about the "time of the end" and all that but no 607 BC to back them up.
Can it possibly be that they actually may drop that date? Seeing that it is becoming harder to sustain in the light of the information from forums such as ours?
But then they will be stuffed for "explaining" the Gentile Times!!
Super Presentation, by the way.